
Team Reflections
Team Reflections

Dear Arun and et al,

It was indeed a great experience that I had for the last week! I think it was a different example of Experiential Learning, where we had a lots of inputs and guidance by the honorable speakers who came down to share their experiences with all of us. It was indeed something very different from the way the usual trainings and I had a good learning experience on both professional and personal front.

I believe strongly, that it was just a beginning of the great things that will happen in the future with Arun spearheading these efforts and hope we all will be getting together again to continue to share the knowledge and experiences.

I would like to thanks all my fellow participants and the speakers who have made this event a great event that I will cherish for long! I would also like to thank you, Arun, for making this great learning experience possible!

Nayan Naidu | Manager – Product Development, Projectplace India



Dear Arun,

Thanks for creating this wonderful platform-looking forward to similar events in near future.

Dear Speakers,

Thank you for sharing your important life stories with us- it was truly inspirational to learn from you.

Dear Fellow participants,

BTW, Nasscom 10000 startups have started accepting applications 10 minutes ago– pls go for it.

Kaushank, IIM Bangalore



It was indeed a wonderful experience for me. The speakers were awesome. The experiential sharing by the speakers was unmatchable. The learning boosted my confidence and courage to take upon big initiatives. Big thanks to speakers, it is a life experience. And thanks to you Arun, for sharing your work experience and charting the program as a practical and natural learning instead of class room learning. Thanks to other participants too for sharing their experience. It was a great learning!!

Looking forward to take  this learning to next level by practicing and meeting all of you at regular intervals.

K S Naidu, Sr Technical Manager at MindTree, Bangalore. Previous Exp D Link, MRO-TEK


“Thank you for providing the opportunity to be part of the team. I wish I could have attended more sessions and talks, but due the few releases lined up in coming weeks, could not join again.
It was awesome to hear Ramakant and Krishanu.
You are doing a great work and I will surely recommend it to my friends. I hope I too can participate sometime soon.

Amit Agarwal, Juniper


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