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Sharing vision with Team

BizDev & People Power

BizDev - Neeta

Neeta talked about the importance of creating Sales Plan with focus on key accounts and expert solutions to build up the sales funnel. Creative deal making is the way to stay ahead of competition.

Kala Passport JpegKala took team through hiring process for IT & Telecom Industry, explaining in detail challenges of search through LinkedIn, Naukri, Monster job portals and personal network. How it is much faster to create a high quality team by effective use of social media.

It was an interesting session with high learning value on how to motivate and retain talent.

Sharing vision with Team

Teams were engaged in role plays to understand the importance of sharing the vision and empowering the work force to take responsibility for achieving project goals.

Recommendation Systems - Krishanu

Emerging Technologies

Emerging Technologies - Krishanu

Recommendation systems have become extremely common in recent years, and are applied in a variety of applications. The most popular ones are probably movies, music, news, books, research articles, search queries, social tags, and products in general.

Krishanu shared insights on Recommendation Systems.

Data Analytics - Mukund 1

Mukund demystified Big Data Analytics and explained the concepts of Predictive Analytics. It was a great opportunity for participants to get a view to future of Analytics.

IoT - Gyan

Gyan talked about top 10 technology trends and focused on business opportunities around Internet of Things keeping in view dropping costs of sensors and wireless technology.

Cook to Bond

Relationship built on complete Trust and genuine Caring

Meditation Yoga 1

Mind has a finite ability to pay attention to incoming data; most of the information that we are exposed to is not brought into the conscious mind. As a result, it is very easy to “filter out” information that we should be paying attention to. How to train up mind to absorb required information at conscious and sub conscious level. Deep mediation techniques were learnt to help train mind to improve probability of taking right decisions at right time.

It is very difficult to get candid information or unbiased opinions. We shall facilitate a journey of discovery. Every person is unique… they exist within different contexts, in different states, have different personalities and preferences… the list goes on. Part of what makes coaching rewarding is the challenge of figuring out how best to interact with and help each person. Once a good baseline
relationship is established, one can start to subtly challenge the person… examining different ways of thinking about situations and exploring different perspectives. This will open up and discover things you would never expect. When you are able to establish a deep relationship built on complete trust and genuine caring, the rewards can be extremely gratifying.

Team Work - Cooking

Quick team development and bonding was achieved through shared tasks like cooking a meal for everyone – it was a common comment that team can start catering business with variety of dishes which got prepared in no time.

Cook to Bond

Not only prepare but serve and as well clean up the kitchen – most important job !!

Surya Namaskar PortraitLessons in Physical Fitness required for busy Execs on the move were learnt through 10 minutes Surya Namaskar every day morning.

RunKeeper App was set up by everyone to track pace, distance and set the Goal. App is keeping the team together to share their progress and also teaching everyone how a good App design works.


CEO Path

Leadership Path


  • Reading Balance Sheets – Assets & Liabilities
  • Financial Reviews – Revenue and Cost Analysis
  • Entity Formation – India, US, Singapore, Europe : Taxes & Liability
  • Funding – Angels, VCs
  • Start-up ecosystem – Incubators, Accelerators
  • Capital markets
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Taking a  company IPO
  • Raising Capital in the financial markets
Pot of Gold

Pot of Gold

Interaction with Ashok
Interaction with Ashok

Self Learning: Identifying Opportunities for Improvements and Developing Insights to get results.

  • Core Competence
  • Team Building – Delegation, Empowerment, Mentoring, Conflict management
  • Communication – Listening, Owning Accountability & Responsibility. Vision & Mission. Interpersonal and Motivation Skills.
  • Planning – Setting Goals & Objectives
  • Time Management
  • Identifying Blind Spots
  • Personality Types – MBTI
  • Problem Solving Techniques – Root Cause Analysis, Process Simplification, Use of Advanced Tools for Analytics, Art of Decision MakingQuestioning Techniques, Collecting Information, Developing Options, Analyzing Options, choosing the best Option.
  • Tools & Technology – ERP Systems: SAP, Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics. Analytics: SAS, Cognos Insight, Informatica, ClickView, OpenOLAT. Cloud: Google Cloud, AWS, Microsoft Azure
  • Strategic Management – 80/20 rule, Understanding Big Picture. Conducting Business Reviews.


Super Power

What it takes to Win

Am I Ready

  • New Approaches – Forward Thinking – Fresh Perspectives
  • Super Power – Resilience – Foresight
  • Strengthening the Core Business. A strong core business is the key foundation for profitability and growth
  • How to develop Skills, Abilities and Wisdom required to lead Organizations.
  • Develop confidence through enhanced Critical Thinking for developing/validating hypothesis.
  • Enhance ability to put ideas across effectively so as to Inspire teams to embrace solutions for improving business results.
  • How to improve probability of making Correct Decisions and getting right results.
  • Focused on behavioral changes to de-stress and change the lifestyle leading to new way of living/working.
  • Practice Process Simplification and People Development. Stop finding fault with others, look for opportunities for Self Improvement, Self Learning.
  • How to train up mind to absorb required information at conscious and sub conscious level.
  • Examining different ways of thinking about situations and exploring Different Perspectives.
  • Our job is not to tell you what to do but help you to come to conclusions by asking powerful questions.
  • Where are you now? Where do you need to be? What needs to happen for you to get there?
  • Create Breakthrough Performance replacing incremental improvements
  • Introducing a product, service or solution that will revolutionize the market
Interaction with VC & Srivibhavan Balaram

Strategic Management Program

Interaction with VC ( V Chandrashekar )
Interaction with VC ( V Chandrashekar ) CEO Aztecsoft

Strategic Management Program is essentially aimed at helping execs stretch their physical and mental boundaries to take big & bold steps for leading multimillion businesses.

It transforms participants through hands on exposure to Strategic Thinking, Emerging Technologies, Finance First, BizDev and People Power.

It is a 4 day life changing residential program to help create a personality to tread leadership path. Program follows participative workshop design to deliver rapid learning.

Program also connects participants with companies looking for senior leaders. Post Program, we work as a Coach, Counselor, Mentor and Guide to help participants achieve their career objectives.