
Leadership Program - VC & VibhavPrograms propagate experiential learning by simulating real life business situations.

It is essentially aimed at helping execs stretch their physical and mental boundaries to take big & bold steps for leading multimillion businesses.

Program transforms participants through hands on exposure to Strategic Thinking, Self Learning, Finance First, Sales & Marketing and People Power.

Group size is small to provide one to one interaction time with Industry Leaders who share their life experiences of achievements, set backs and ways to bounce back. Industry experts also provide vivid details of emerging technology trends and potential business opportunities.  Their are enough opportunities for participants to reflect and understand core competence areas, gaps and work out self improvement plans to achieve their career objectives.

Day starts at 6am with Yoga, Meditation, Running, Cycling and continues with sessions on teaching and learning.  Vision sharing, setting up Role, Responsibilities and Objectives is done by going through various role plays with mock teams. Team Bonding Exercises like cooking and gardening are interspersed to during the breaks. It simulates situations for working in diverse skill sets and achieving time bound goals. Multiple such sessions demonstrates the importance of communication, respect for each other, openness and trust.